When the repair process ends, long cleaning starts. In this regard, people who protect their own time and their own peace apply to the company that provide cleaning services. That is, when a company of builders leaves, a company of competent professionals comes, who in a quick time will bring cleanliness in the house. High -quality cleaning of apartments is carried out not only due to the everyday skill of working with all kinds of things of varying degrees of strength, but also due to the presence of decent cleaning equipment. Cleaning on its own goes through the old fashioned way. Professionals have special vacuum cleaners and a powerful arsenal of cleaning matterals. The payment of the services of the cleaning company includes the removal of construction waste to the landfill. Washing services can be ordered not only for grandiose cleaning, but also to correct small shortcomings. It is likely to offer cleaning companies in the office. Clearing services, including full cleaning of the premises. For example, once a quarter or more often a team will come to the apartment and completely clean the room: vacuum the carpets, rub furniture, vacuum the flooring, and t. P. In the cleaned house, it is really more pleasant!