Soundproofing in an apartment: what you need to know and the rules

For external walls, materials that block vibrations of sound waves are usually chosen, and for internal walls, materials that absorb sound vibrations. In modern practice, multilayer structures are used for internal soundproofing, including both sound-absorbing and sound-reflecting materials.

For high-quality soundproofing, consider the characteristics of different types of noise. By the nature of its origin, it can be:

  • external (sources are outside the building);
  • internal (sources are concentrated inside the building).

By the method of propagation, noise is divided into:

  • airborne (transmitted through the air: household appliances, music, conversations, animal sounds, transport);
  • structural (from mechanical impact that causes vibrations of supporting structures: drill, elevator, hammer drill, compressor);
  • impact (from direct contact of an object with an object: falling heavy objects, jumping, knocking heels).

To eliminate airborne noise, it is usually sufficient to carry out partial soundproofing (windows, doors or walls), and to combat structural and impact noise, comprehensive soundproofing of the entire room will be required.