Choice of hardware for the door

We are in contact with the doorbell of the door several times a day, so their functionality, external attractiveness and reliability should be the main criteria for choosing. Initially, let’s talk about the door handles that are Faller and stationary.

Stationary handles are presented in the form of the simplest designs with motionless details. The most common handles are considered “P” – figurative form.

Faler handles have a special locking lock. As soon as they press on the handle, the action of the lock is activated, pushing or moving out the latch. The varieties of the phaly pens also include round pens, which must be turned.

Handles not only differ in appearance, but also by the method of fastening. Some must be fixed on both sides with a screw, others are attached with screws to the surface of the canvas.

When choosing a handle, it is the first thing to pay attention to the material from which it is made. Remember that brass handles are considered the most functional, because they not only look quite attractive, but also resistant to corrosion.

Selecting locks and loop

The choice of a door lock should be approached very seriously, because it is precisely on it that the possibility of penetration into someone else’s dwelling will depend on it with the aim of theft of private property. Distinguish locks:


Carved – are inside the door, so their installation is more difficult, and requires certain skills from a specialist;

Hinged lock – practically not used, due to low reliability.

Such a characteristic as the degree of secrecy, which can be characterized by the presence of several keys, is very important to open the lock. The most safe from hacking are cylinder systems consisting of certain pins, which, when opened, are advanced to different heights.

Code locks that open with certain combinations have sufficient safety, however, the installation of such a lock requires appropriate skills.

For greater reliability, it is better to install several different types of locks on the door.

The loops perform the functions of the door attachment to the doorway. In order to make a choice among entertained, hinged and overhead loops, you should initially know the weight of the door. The most durable include loops made from brass and steel.

Having learned some subtleties in choosing door accessories, it will be much easier for you to make your choice.