Cons of winter construction of the house.

Winter construction of houses has their own adherents and opponents. The current technologies allow you to build the foundation and in severe frosts without compromising the physical properties of the structure. In Russia, the period of frosts lasts almost six months, and the rules of winter construction of wood houses have been honed for centuries. And these buildings are worth for a very long time. Winter construction has a significant positive moment. The summer forest is more humid, and in this regard is very subject to defeat parasites. The winter forest is less humid, and also at low temperatures, the fungus cannot survive. In the cold, there is freezing of water from wood, which provides an even shrinkage of construction. Building the house in winter, already in the middle of summer you can finish the repair. Plus, during winter construction, your site is not subject to negative changes, due to the fact that construction equipment in the cold does not spoil the soil. Of course, the winter construction has not only positive aspects, but also negative sides. As an example, if the temperature is less than 25 ° C, then the tree can be covered with cracks. Also, working time for workers decreases, t. To. daylight hours in winter is short. Such circumstances slightly increase the duration of the construction. But in winter there is no summer stir, and the builders build the house as it should.