For many summer residents, the question arises about the water supply of their sections. There are several options for solving the problem. The cheapest is the drilling of the well. This service can be ordered in specialized organizations, or can be performed independently.
Main advantages
Compared to the well, the area of the site does not occupy.
No expensive cleaning is required.
Significantly reduces the load on the family budget.
Browding technology and options
The drilling process is the passage of the soil layers of the soil and extracting the rock to the surface. There are several options for performing these works:
Column. This option is the introduction of a cutting tool in the shape of a muging glass in the soil, followed by an extension of 1.2 – 1.5 meters. This process resembles drilling.
Zheloning. This technology is the process of falling a tin tool from a height to the surface. For this, a special tripod is built with a block and a winch.
Using a screw. This method is a kind of drilling. The minus of this method is a slight depth of the well.
DIY drilling
There are several possible options. One of the easiest ways is to buy the necessary equipment or rent it. However, for many people this is also a fairly costly way. Many people’s craftsmen use the following options:
Parts from old combines are used as a screw. By finalizing knives, as well as an extended handle, a completely tolerable device for drilling is obtained by means of threaded joints.
Another way of drilling with minimal costs is the use of a fishing ice ax as a tool. The handle lengthens with the help of special homemade rods.
In the first and in the second case, it is advisable to use a tripod with a block and a winch for convenience if necessary to extract a tool. You will have to extract the tool in any case, since it is necessary to extract the soil.
Before starting work, it is necessary to choose the right location of the well. It is necessary to choose a place near the planned places of use, such as house, garage, garden and others. It should be remembered that the well should be located at a distance of at least 20 meters from cesspools, dung heaps and toilets.
The process of drilling well only at first glance is quite complicated. However, you just have to start how the work will be done in the shortest possible time.