How to decorate the wall clock with your own hands

The wall clock not only remind us of the time, but are also an important part of the interior, a decorative element. The location of the clock on the wall, their size, design and compliance with the general style of the room clearly demonstrate the taste of the owners.

Having shown a little fantasy, you can even turn the most ordinary watch into an exclusive accessory – a bright accent in the room. It makes no sense to understand the structure of the clock mechanism and independently add it, you can buy the simplest Chinese wall clocks, or find unnecessary quartz watches at home.

Choose a new dial

We decorate the frame

The main thing is that the clock mechanism itself works reliably, and we will do everything else with our own hands from improvised objects and decorative materials. The design of the wall clock is selected taking into account the purpose of the room, interior decoration, furniture, color palette.

To decorate the watch, you need a creative approach, creativity of thinking and fantasy. But everything should be in moderation, the clock should harmoniously combine with the interior, complementing it. The easiest way to convert the wall clock is to change the dial or decorate it.

Choose a new dial

The new dial can be made of very dense cardboard, a piece of plywood, ceramic plate, glass, wood cut, gramplasty. By the way, the use of old records as a dial for wall clocks is a separate type of creativity. Figures and patterns carved from gramplasts, curved contours and other creative ideas look great on the wall.

For children’s rooms, there are many ideas for decorating a clock using figures of cartoons, vinyl stickers, bright colors. Kitchen wall clock can be decorated with something “tasty”: to fly out of plastic a figure of vegetables, fruits, herbs.

We decorate the frame

You can decorate the clock frame with coffee beans or replace the dial with a beautiful plate or a painted board. Skotoramk watches look very impressive and family, especially if they decorate the wall of a spacious living room or hall. To create a photo frame, you need to choose and print twelve photos of a certain size, make a frame for each of them and create a composition in the center of which the clock will hang.

Sometimes I just want to “refresh” the clock, not radically changing their shape and style. Then you need to carefully disassemble the clock and restore them: paint with acrylic paints, open with varnish, decorate arrows, use scrapbooking technique, etc. D.