How to rent a student in Moscow? Real estate analysis.

In the capital’s educational institutions, entrance exams have already ended, and this means that the received lucky ones from the regions of Russia, it is necessary to find housing in Moscow and the Moscow Region.

Practice talks about an increase of twenty percent of the demand for renting housing by the beginning of the autumn season. This leap in the price and consumer policy is explained by the fact that the vacation season ends in Moscow by the beginning of autumn not only rested summer residents, but also abaturi students from all over our immense homeland. Accordingly, a large number of nonresident housing requires high -quality housing, and market experts warn that in the very near future, those who wish to rent housing may encounter such a problem as the lack of worthy proposals for the delivery of housing. This is caused by a huge increase in real estate prices in the market, and with a decrease in the exposure of the apartment.

Therefore, in order to avoid such inconvenience, it is necessary to stock up in patience in order to meticulously resolve housing issues that have arisen.

Since they are mainly interested in the segment of affordable housing, students are focused on cheaper offers, the rental of apartments is getting more expensive, but this mainly applies only to economy and comfort classes. For example, if in the summer a one -room apartment could be rented for 26 thousand rubles a month, then with an influx of a huge number of students, by September, it will cost at least 30 thousand rubles.

According to experts, the seasonal rise in price of apartments in the real estate market began in July. According to realtors, when compared with the beginning of the season, demand increased by 34%, and the offer of apartments in Moscow in early July, on the contrary, fell 2.3% in relation to the previous month. As a result, it is clear that the demand for apartments in July exceeded the proposals for almost one and a half percent.

According to experts, in the first summer months, the demand for dwellings with prices from 1 to 3 thousand rubles amounted to about 60% of the total proposals in the real estate market.

According to experts, more apartments provided for rent in July were also in the price category from 1 to 3 thousand euros, which amounted to about 63%, and in second place were apartments from up to 1 thousand euros. This amounted to 27% of the total picture. For expensive elite apartments with a price of 6 – and thousands of euros and above, about 0.5% of the amount of the total offer, and, accordingly, for inexpensive housing, not exceeding the monthly lease of 750 euros – amounted to 6.05%. There is also a change in the exposure of the proposed housing. If earlier, to get acquainted and implemented the apartment, it took ten days, or even more, then in the summer boom the number of days decreased to two. So what to save on the poor applicant?

Firstly, do not forget about the possibility of renting an apartment to a tie. Realtors confirm the interest in such transactions of a very large number of students, as this is due to a decrease in the rental rate. This method allows you to remove quite comfortable and cozy housing and even close to the university. For example, a good well-maintained, with a cosmetic repair, an apartment of three rooms, located next to one of the universities, will cost the tenant about 80 thousand rubles a month. If the rental is divided with anyone, then, accordingly, the price per month will be more acceptable.

Students who want and rent a separate housing and that it’s no secret to save more, market experts advise less demanding of the rented premises and the place of its location, since practice shows that the further the rented apartment is located from the center, the cheaper its rental value. Although it will not be close to get, but saving on rental money on the face. Another secret from realtors is to remove high requirements for the state of the apartment, you still have to improve the room to their liking and, in principle, make a small cosmetic repairs by each forces. But the rental rate is reduced due to the condition of the apartment, which is accordingly beneficial to applicants.

Also, many students, in order to optimize costs, are trying to do without realtors’ services, since the agent will have to pay a certain percentage of the transaction, which very often is the rental cost of the apartment per month. But these actions may not be safe, and therefore it is better not to save on illusions, but to contact professionals.

Naturally, Moscow housing is very expensive. Apartments with decent repairs and household appliances for less than 30 thousand rubles is almost impossible to find, they grab it right away, not having time to stand on the market and the day. But in apartments in the suburbs can be a worthy alternative to expensive housing, since there you can rent comfortable housing and many times cheaper. For example, in the Balashihi area it is possible to withdraw “Odinka” for only 20 thousand rubles, and in Mytishchi for only 20 – 22 thousand rubles. Also in Krasnogorsk or Odintsovo you can find a one -room apartment with a repair for 23 – 24 thousand rubles.

And if you also take off in a fold, then such housing per person will cost much cheaper than in Moscow. For example, if an apartment in a prominent costs 24 thousand rubles and if two students paying a decrement settled in this apartment, then the payment for renting the premises will be about 12 thousand per month for one tenant. And in this case, the savings will have and amount to about 35 %. It looks cheaper than if every tenant would take a separate one -room apartment for himself. If it is possible to unite several people, then the savings for renting an apartment will be much more.

But the territorial remoteness of the apartment, beckoning its affordable cheapness, is often a fraud due to a large waste of money for transport services. Do not forget that a person who wants to get an inexpensive, but very remote housing can very much lose in money precisely because of the remoteness of the place of residence, since it turns out that the fee is not large for housing, but spending on public transport is very large.