Buying housing, you part with a very large amount of money. But if you are aware of the tax deduction, then be sure that you can get part of the money back.
A tax deduction for the purchase of housing is the exemption of the buyer from the income tax, which is directly subject to his income. You can return taxes no later than three years after their payment.
To apply for a tax refund, you will need to fill out a declaration of form 3NDFL for all years considered to return taxes. Of course, to return the tax it had to be paid and have a declared income with those tax deductions that will be returned to you. To confirm income, you need to take certificates of 2ndFL form from work or documents confirming your income, recipes, receipts, etc. D. Filling out the declaration itself is not at all complicated. The tax service presents exclusive stands with samples and instructions. The right path is the Internet component of the declaration by downloading a special program on the tax website. A separate program can be for each year, since the forms of documents change every year.
To contact the tax service, you need to have a TIN certificate and passport. Copies of your main documents, contracts and receipts on receiving money from the seller are accepted for consideration. The term for consideration of such a statement is three months, after which a letter will come from the tax authority on the decision. In the case of a positive decision, the money will be transferred to a savings bank, a copy of which you will provide.
The amount of the purchase fits from the contract of purchase and sale of housing, but only two million rubles can be as much as possible, even if the real cost was greater. Thus, at a rate of 13%, the largest amount of returned taxes is two hundred and sixty thousand Russian rubles. If for the indicated periods you have not been returned to the entire amount, you can get the rest in the future with the help of a similar procedure. The whole procedure is possible only once, that is, it applies only to one purchase.