Everyone knows that the value of housing largely depends on the location, quality of water and air, the proximity of functioning enterprises. As for the type of home itself, the owners of the house go to considerable spent on repair, try to do everything possible, so that housing is beautiful. Sometimes, without even knowing, we ourselves create a risk zone in the home and harm health.
The most common problem is biological lesions. Когда помещение плохо проветривается, в комнатах, а именно в углах, за мебелью, недалеко от отопительных приборов, ни с того ни с сего вспучивается слой краски и начинает осыпаться штукатурка. Spots of mold are noticeable from under the torn wallpaper. These are fungal lesions. The fungus is scraped, painted or glued, and so more often the repair is limited. After a while, mold is still formed again, and in the end people admit their own impotence. Experts have long learned that mold spores provoke allergic reactions, chronic respiratory diseases, and even cancer tumors.
Mushrooms are extremely different: what destroys some colonies, then fits other species. Therefore, it will be better to consult experts who will determine the type of mushroom and give recommendations to eliminate it. After this, its habitat is disinfected by special drugs.