Wallpaper fashion

Wallpaper is the most familiar wall covering, and in fact, we most often choose them for decoration of the mass of premises in the apartment.

The practicality of wallpaper and the ability to form comfort make them a reasonable choice for any current interior.

At the moment there is no deficit in color solutions. The most fashionable pattern is in a small flower. If you prefer light colors of such wallpaper – they will visually make the room free. Wallpaper with a large floral pattern is also relevant – they awaken the usual interior and give a little sophistication.

An excellent solution is a stylistic mixture, for example, wallpaper with a floral pattern on two walls and wallpaper with vertical stripes or without a pattern – on the two remaining. This combination has only the advantages – the floral pattern cheers up and creates a relaxed atmosphere, and the wallpaper in the strip visually lift the ceilings.

Having picked up the wallpaper so that they are combined in shade, you can create your interior! If the flower wallpaper is given to you too “simple”, but you don’t want to deviate from fashion, pay attention to exclusive collections – for example, silk wallpaper made by a narrow series with exquisite flower embroidery.

Of course, they are expensive, but there is an option to save: only part of the wall is glued with an expensive exclusive, and other space is painted with a paint that goes through the color.