With mold in the house you have to fight

Everyone knows that the price of the house largely depends on the location, ecology, and the proximity of functioning factories. As for the appearance of the home, the owners of the house are ready for considerable repair spending, they are trying to do everything possible to make housing comfortable. It happens, without even suspecting it, we ourselves do in the room the place of risk and harm health.

The most common nuisance is biological lesions. If the room is poorly ventilated, in the rooms, especially in the corners, behind furniture, near heating appliances, the paint suddenly swells and the plaster begins to crumble. Spots of mold are visible from under the torn wallpapers. This is a fungus. The fungus is cleaned, painted or glued, and so the repair is usually completed. Soon the spot is formed again, and in the end the owners admit their own impotence. Experts have long found that the disputes of such a fungus cause allergic reactions, chronic diseases of the respiratory system and even cancer tumors.