Choose tile glue

In order for the tile in the bathroom, kitchen, toilet and in other rooms to delight your eyes for a long time, and performed all its functions – it must be laid with tile glue. And so that you should take into account when choosing tile glue? First, you need to pay your attention to the class of means. Class “C” is divided into two subclasses. This is the class “o” (the tile glue “o” is used when laying simple ceramic tiles on hard porous bases, such as cement -sandy, anhydrid screed, cement – sandy or gypsum plaster) and class “C2”, which is improved, elastic and which is used in complex grounds with an incorrect basis. In the presence of letters in these classes, for example, the letter “F” (C2F) is a fast -hardening glue, the letter “E” is slow -hardening, the letter “T” indicates a low probability of sliding only – that the laid tile. We recommend using tile glue Knauf.

Also, when choosing tile glue, it should be taken into account specific conditions of application. If the laying of tile glue is performed outside the room, then here you need to pay attention to the frost resistance of glue. To lay tiles on the walls – it is necessary to use high viscosity adhesive, when laying tiles to the floor – glue should spread well on the surface.