The modern interior of office premises is increasingly complemented by glass partitions, the main purpose of which is the division of space into certain functional zones that organically fit into a holistic stylistic look. Such properties of glass partitions as their practicality, strength, grace, mobility and safety made them an indispensable element of the interior of the modern office, allowing you to create comfortable conditions for fruitful work and rest of employees. Often glass partitions are installed in security services, banks, premises of the administrative and managerial apparatus, in production sites, and t. D.
All types of glass partitions can be divided into stationary and mobile, each of which has certain advantages and features of installation and application. Stationary partitions are mounted on the basis of a pre-divided frame of reinforced aluminum, wooden or plastic profiles of various lengths, into which interchangeable glass elements are installed. Having light weight, such partitions are easily redeveloped, can be dismantled and quickly rebuilt.
Mobile partitions differ in design features consisting of collapsible modules of arbitrary length and height. Each section is easily mounted and allows you to create various interior design options.
The main requirements for office partitions made of glass are their mechanical strength, durability, sound insulation. In this regard, the glass processing used to give it high anti -jacket properties is a priority area of modern industrial production. Ground strength requirements comply with double -glazed windows made of hardened glasses such as triplex, Stalinite, reinforced glass. To exclude direct visibility in the designs of glass partitions, deaf double -glazed windows are used, the interior of which is filled with fiberglass, kaolin wool, special films. Often, glass canvases with unilateral visibility are used: tinted, matte light scattering, corrugated, glass “Frost” and “Metelitsa”.
Modern materials for the manufacture of glass partitions used in industrial premises are hollow colorless and colored glass blocks that can differ well due to the smooth outer and corrugated inside. Often, along with glass blocks, stenprophylite is used with high light transmitting ability.
Thus, the use of various types of glass canvases for the manufacture of office and production partitions is justified and is widely used in the modern interior.