House insulation from aerated concrete

Aerated concrete has good thermal insulation properties, but, nevertheless, the houses built from it need additional insulation. Heat savings are one of the main measures for energy conservation. Today this problem is becoming more and more urgent. The use of energy -saving technologies not only brings the savings of funds, but also positively affects the ecology.

The choice of material.

The choice of material for insulation of houses with walls from aerated concrete is one of the important stages of work on thermal insulation. Saving on the purchase of materials is not worth. This can be considered as a long -term investment. At current energy prices, the costs of expensive material with good heat -insulating properties. These costs will pay off quickly.

There is a large selection of materials for insulation. And sometimes it is not easy to understand the variety of materials proposed and choose the most suitable. In order to ensure high -quality insulation of a house from aerated concrete, it is necessary to take into account climatic features – the average and lowest cold season, humidity. It largely depends on these parameters what insulation and what thickness the heat -insulating layer will be made.

Manufacturing jobs.

When conducting insulation work, it is necessary to prepare the walls of the house from aerated concrete. The main attention must be paid to the seams. It is necessary to take care of this at the construction stage. The use of masonry glue instead of the solution reduces the thickness of the joints and reduce heat loss. This can be considered one of the measures to improve thermal insulation. When laying aerated concrete blocks, various seam defects may occur. They must be thoroughly covered with installation foam, insulation and putty. Additional thermal insulation is required for reinforced seams.

You can combine both external and external insulation of houses from aerated concrete. The combination of various methods allows you to most effectively achieve good thermal insulation. Internally insulation of the walls of the house from foam concrete allows you to replace thermal insulation without violating the exterior decoration of the facade. The disadvantage is the reduction in the area of ​​the premises.

A feature of thermal insulation.

When conducting thermal insulation work, there is one feature. The so -called dew point in the walls without thermal insulation is in the thickness of the material. After the installation of the insulation layer, the dew point shifts in its direction. This necessitates the use of heat -insulating and finishing materials with high par prosperity. In this case, the excess moisture will come out.

If it is impossible to use such materials, it is necessary to apply the system of the ventilated facade. This system provides an effective removal of excess humidity into the atmosphere. Modern facing panels allow you to create an original appearance of the house. The cladding of natural materials – a stone or a tree looks especially good.

December 20, 2012