How a family can choose real estate and avoid making mistakes

Each stage of a person’s life is accompanied by changes in housing conditions: be it growing up and moving away from parents, getting a higher education, finding and changing jobs, developing relationships in a couple, having children, and even an existential crisis.

At each stage, people are motivated to change housing by a variety of things.

The life cycles of an average family, in which the spouses have been married for at least 25 years, can be divided into four stages:

  • a young family without children or with one small child;
  • a mature family with two children – a schoolchild and a primary school student;
  • a family with adult children – school or college graduates;
  • an elderly couple.

The choice of housing and the format of real estate transactions depend on what stage the family is living. Thus, a young couple, as a rule, first rents an apartment. With the birth of their first child, they buy their first home. And then they increase their living space, simultaneously selling and buying an apartment.

But here different situations are possible. For example, a couple can inherit an apartment or immediately buy a large apartment.