If you plan to move to permanent residence in Spain, then you probably wonder how much you have to pay for utilities. Maybe there are such expenses that it is better to forget about this country, stopping your attention at another state!
A communal apartment in Spain implies a fee for water, electricity, maintenance of a house area or entrance and gas, if it is in the house. It is not customary to independently take the meter’s readings on your own, prescribe them in the receipt and pay for the bank. Housing and communal services employees themselves come to payers on certain days and write off numbers. In fairness, it is worth noting that the counters in Spain are not inside the house or apartment, but on the outside, so you will not have to wait or let in absolutely strangers into housing.
Each owner of the apartment has an agreement with a particular organization for the provision of water and light. But this does not mean that during the congress they switch their new real estate to the old communal company. If you buy housing in Spain, you only need to go to the nearest utility office and renegotiate the contract, providing employees with documents for property, your account of your account in a local bank and a technical certificate about the suitability of the premises for residence. A communal apartment fee in this country is automatically written off from a bank account.
Since several companies are engaged in the provision of electricity, gas and water, their tariffs are somewhat different, but due to state policy in resolving the size of payments, they are not very different from each other. Rather, firms are trying to develop more profitable offers for customers in order to lure subscribers of competing organizations. For example, they offer bonuses in the form of additional kilowatts of light or cubic cubes of water when connected to annual maintenance, or in general, everyone who has contacted them is cut off by a subscription fee half.
Since debiting from a bank account will occur automatically, you can trace the transfer of funds and your own consumption, for example, you can already in fact. You will send textures with the readings of the counter and tariff for calculations for the previous period to you. In them, you can see the average consumption for trimester and some advertising proposals for changing the tariff. For example, you are little at home, so you are more profitable for a package with a minimum subscription fee or vice versa to take an option where all inclusions. Consider the situation with each communal service separately.
So, payment for water in Spain is made every trimester. It includes a subscription fee, the amount for the amount of fluid cubic meters spent during this period, money for servicing the meter and plus eight percent of the tax from the entire amount. Of course, the consumption of water in each family, but try to calculate about how much you will spend the euro on the water if you move to permanent residence in Spain. Consider a family of four (mom, dad, two children). They wash, eat, erase, water their garden or lawn in front of the house in the summer, and maybe contain a small pool. For about three months they will spend about 70 cubic meters of liquid, for which they will pay about 150 euros.
Payment for electricity in Spain takes place every two months. It includes a subscription fee (about 18-20 euros), the amount for used kilowatts and tax equal to 18% of the total cost. A family of four familiar to us will pay about 200-250 euros for using electricity for two months (1000 kW). It is stipulated that they live in the country constantly and include light every day, use household appliances and lead a standard lifestyle.
Gas payment also takes place every two months. It consists of a constant subscription fee of 17 euros, the cost of servicing a gas meter (2-3 euros), the amount for gas consumption and tax of 18%. In some houses there is no gas heating, but where there is, spending on it, as a rule, amounts to 300 euros in winter and 100 euros in the summer. The old houses use gas in cylinders, which costs its inhabitants somewhat cheaper.
In each residential building or village there is a community of neighbors who pay for maintenance of the house territory or entrance. They monitor the cleaning of the entrance and courtyards, the timeliness of transferring money for electricity, which is spent on common needs, a single insurance and horticultural work, if their area requires this. Each community has an open bank account, which receives money owners of real estate. The size of these payments depends on the prestige of the area, the landscaping of the court, the presence of a common basin and many other factors. For example, payments for the owner of an ordinary apartment without a reservoir and yard will be equal to 20 euros per month, but the owner of luxurious apartments will have to fork out 80 euros and more.
Of course, the figures indicated above will differ depending on the city of Spain, the number of family members and your requests, but they will be able to at least draw you up to the level of future expenses.