Waterproofing of premises

In order to save a residential building in a constant form for decades and even centuries, it is necessary to take care of protection from the external environment and specifically from the access of dampness and moisture to your construction.

Common building materials such as: concrete, ceramics, bricks, etc. P. absorb moisture if you do not make any water drainage over time under its influence, materials may begin to collapse.

After laying the foundation of it from all sides, it is necessary to treat water -repellent substances. Between the walls and the foundation, it is necessary to lay a good waterproofing material around the entire perimeter. In winter or in autumn rainy days, concrete like a sponge absorbs moisture and rain and if you do not protect housing from such a vile enemy as moisture, you will feel a harsh street climate in the room. This will cause greater discomfort to you and your loved ones.

So that this does not happen before the installation of the floor, the compositions should be used that repel water, various primers or mastic. Some compositions after drying can form a water -repellent thin film. It is advisable to process such compositions in addition to the floor of the seams on the walls, paying special attention to the outer side of the house. In the harvesting and bathrooms before installing ceramic tiles, leaf materials (EPDM-membrane) are used, possibly, densely and reliably isolation of all seams.

In multi -storey panel houses, it is worth paying special attention to interpanel joints, this is a weak place in such houses. Every 5-7 years of operation of the building, it is necessary to carry out repair and preventive measures to strengthen, compaction and waterproofing joints.

Past building materials did not protect the buildings from the destructive effect of moisture with the proper level, but the modern assortment as domestic TAI and foreign manufacturers will help you with the greatest degree of sewing up waterproofing the premises, as well as eliminate the existing shortcomings and shortcomings allowed by unscrupulous builders. The problem of “crying” walls in the basements and garages is also solved using waterproofing. After these procedures, the air will become a lot of land, the damage to the walls with a fungus is excluded, all this will significantly affect the durability and microclimate of the room.

You should know that professional waterproofing of walls, foundation, ceiling and other elements of the building will create comfort and provide reliability for your house for many years.